One of the homes of Flights of Fancy!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A new skill

Tonight I'm doing some research into acquiring a few new skills.  When I was much, much younger I took a sewing class... like most things I've started, I never finished it, the class or the project.  Admittedly it was a rather hideous pants/vest combo in a really atrocious navy and stark white stripe poly-blend... oh the 90's!
Now that I'm looking into starting my own little fashion empire I thought it might be a good thing (as Martha says) to learn a little about the industry in all it's forms.  I will be the first to admit that I have no, and I mean no ability when it comes to drawing, so personally designing things on paper might be a bit of problem, but creating something from a pattern might be just within my grasp.

I'm on the look-out for a sewing class and some millinery lessons.  From previous posts you understand my love of fascinators and of clothing.  I've never really been a crafty person, unless you count in a sneaky kind of way.  I want to change that and become a little bit crafty and not as Machiavellian.

Cheers Darlings!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bombshell