One of the homes of Flights of Fancy!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A fascinating fascinator

This afternoon after my Burlesque class (yes I'm taking Burlesque classes!), I decided to head to Rideau to purchase a brand spanking new fascinator.  If you're not familiar with the term, let me explain.  A fascinator, is an itty bitty hat that you might see perched on the head of British Royalty, or a Burlesque dancer.  It's usually festooned with feathers, bows and/or sparkly bits.
It's really the ideal piece of head gear for a person with ADD.  It's small enough that you don't have to make the commitment of wearing an actual sized hat and the movement of the feathers in a passing breeze will entertain you if you should find yourself engaged in an increasingly boring conversation.  Instead of zoning out, just focus on the feathers!
I made a B-line for the Aldo Accessories store and found a fascinator that is just the ticket. A slim little band with a jaunty stiff mesh bow all topped off by five floating feathers.  All for the lovely price of $12.
So tonight I'm taking my fascinator out for a night on the town.  I shall be attending the Rock n' Roll Burlesque Show Part Deux: Polymorphines and Rockalily at Babylon.  My only dilemma at this point is weather or not to attend the show as my secret identity or as the Burlesque Bombshell (however beginner I am I'm always a Bombshell!), Puscifer Jones!
I shall report back with a picture or two of my fascinating fascinator.

Cheers Darlings!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bombshell

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