This time was a little different. In the past I had been the cause of my joblessness. In this instance I fell to the whim of a less that stellar human being. I had worked myself sleepless over someone else's dream, throwing everything I possibly had into "the place that shall not be named". I created relationships with clients, contributed ideas and generated a positive energy that, at times, negated the toxicity emanating from the owner. So when all of that was ripped from me without so much as a "how's your father?", I was left tether-less. I needed a mooring.
For a few years now I've been batting around an idea, like a bored kitten. Something very near and dear to my rather passionate heart.
I would open a shop. Not just a shop, but a destination. The only one of it's kind in the Ottawa boutique community. My own little oasis of style and whimsy. Where the clientele I would build could only be taken away by my own folly and changing tastes. Where my ideas didn't have to be presented in the most covert ways possible, only to be co-opted by someone else as their own. Where every ounce of my bubbly, sweet, if somewhat sarcastic energy would be reflected back to me by my lovely staff and appreciative clientele.
So I began to plan. It wasn't going to be any kind of shop, no, this would be a haven of shopping karma.
For every "fat girl" who'd be reduced to choking sobs by a pair of muffin-top inducing jeans, I would return a BABE in curve hugging denim, crying with a fierce joy.
For every "plus size woman" who's felt shunned by skinny 12 year old shop assistants in "trendy" shops, I would reveal a GLAMAZON swathed in swishing skirts and plunging necklines, calling her battle cry, "Another Manhattan, darling!!"
For every meek, drab, sac clothed 30 something singleton, fading into the wall, hoping that someone doesn't notice her size, I'd present a sparkling, red lipped BOMBSHELL, strutting to music only she hears, but everyone wishes they did, gliding about a room with everyone's eyes on her.
A store for the CURVY, AMAZONIAN BOMBSHELLS of Ottawa.
So here we are. The planning is on the way, and I'd like to keep you in the loop! In this blog I'll post about anything and everything that strikes my fancy. A great outfit that I created, a yummy meal I made, a website I've discovered, a person I admire. I welcome your comments, and I can't wait to get to know any of you who chose to follow me.
Cheers Darlings!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Bombshell
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